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Schleich Dinosaurs 42565 Dinosaur relocation operation

Schleich Dinosaurs 42565 Dinosauruksen siirto-operaatio
Schleich Dinosaurs 42565 Dinosauruksen siirto-operaatio
Schleich Dinosaurs 42565 Dinosauruksen siirto-operaatio
Schleich Dinosaurs 42565 Dinosauruksen siirto-operaatio
Schleich Dinosaurs 42565 Dinosauruksen siirto-operaatio


Schleich Dinosaurs 42565 Dinosaur relocation operation
74,00 €
Price without tax
47,58 €
Free shipping on orders over 99 €
Detailed description

Watch out, it's a trap! Too late: Styracosaurus is already on the swing. Fortunately, the schleich® DINOSAURS series transfer operation team is there in the blink of an eye. Thanks to the sharp machete, the truck driver frees the monster from the net in no time. However, the dinosaur has injured its leg, and it cannot be immediately returned to the wild. Fortunately, there is a plan B, which is downright brilliant: the Styracosaurus can be lifted onto the truck with a crane. Huh, it's heavy. But it works! The dinosaur can now be transported to the hospital to recover in peace. In two weeks, it will be even stronger and can be released back into nature (or your room) - to its own favorite place. I hope there are no more traps in the environment!